Professional email marketing system for your growing ecommerce website
Email Marketing

and more …

Number of Emails Opens & Clicks For
Last 15 Days
See easily for last 15 days numbers

Get real-time reports
Get real time traffic data

Access density indicators
See your intensity status based on your last 48 hours of data

On which day are your emails opened?
Easily see which day you are more productive

Orders per hour on weekdays
Monitor your hourly order with heatmaps

Which newsletter do you get more traffic from?
Track which newsletter brings you more traffic
Thanks to hundreds of Gadgets in WDC, you can easily create personalized screens by dragging and dropping.
Easily create personalized displays with WDC Gadgets
Some of 300+ gadgets

Other services used with this service
Companies that use this service also use the following services

Manage your all email template with drag and drop system. Easy and strong unlimited responsive email templates.

Easy and professional transactional email service for your apps
Dedicated IP, Smart Delivery , Easy Usage , Detailed Reports

Maximize open rate with smart delivery features
Thanks to WDC's unique feature, newsletters are delivered to each of your members whenever they open their e-mails. For those whose e-bulletin opening time is unknown, delivery is made according to the time they access the website.
Set up new campaign,
Make deliveries according to opening times.
Maximize your sales.
Get easily special reports
Yan panelde, yer işaretleri için yeni arama, sıralama ve düzenleme araçlarıyla ihtiyacınız olan şeyleri daha hızlı bulun. Ayrıca, yeni küçük resimlerle yer işaretlerinizi bir bakışta ayırt edebilirsiniz.
Yan paneli açın.
Yan panel menüsünden Yer işaretleri'ni seçin.
Denemek istediğiniz yeni bir araç seçin.
Fast delivery infrastructure
When you give a sending command with WDC Email Marketing service, you can send to millions of email addresses with a single sending.
Chrome menüsünü açın.
Yeni düzeni ve özellikleri keşfedin.
Select Special Day Email Templates
Create your email campaigns quickly and effectively! With ready-made templates for special occasions, you can reach your customers with professional designs.
🔹 Get started instantly with ready-to-use templates.
🔹 Stand out with themed designs for special days.
🔹 Edit and send with just one click!
Choose your template now and launch your email campaign!

Request a demo now,
let us show you our
services closely.